Our Intellectual Capabilities
We offer customized workshops, teaching, mentoring, and advisory services. We leverage our proprietary methodology and intellectual capabilities to reflect specific supply chain activities (primarily life sciences), filter events for relevancy, and measure the magnitude of impact on profitability and customer expectations. We provide prescriptive solutions and actionable advice to help key decision-makers mitigate and manage risk in real time.
UA SCR Data Model®
We apply our proprietary activity-based data management structure to gather critical data, create a digital simulation, and map and monitor the flow of your supply chain lifecycle.
UA Relevance Analysis and UA Impact Analysis®
Our proprietary methodology and tools are designed to measure risk through an effect-based and cause-aware approach. Rather than defining and mitigating risk for every possible cause, our unique process enables you to measure the impact of a node or network failure to justify risk mitigation investments and activities with accuracy.
We achieve this through the collection of comprehensive and relevant data to digitize a panoramic view of your resources, materials, products, and information flows. We then apply our cause-aware solutions to provide “what-if” failure analysis and stress testing for specific threat scenarios. These scenarios may be related to economic, financial, geopolitical, health, hazard, social, environmental, governance, criminal, logistics, or patient safety factors.